Thursday, May 3, 2012

A "special" breakfast!

Maddy asked for a "special" breakfast. So... I decided to make her mini cinnamon rolls. These are so easy and fun to make. Especially with little hands that like to help!!
Create a cinnamon-sugar mixture by using 4 teaspoons sugar and 2 teaspoons Cinnamon. *** I usually do not measure but usually have more cinnamon than sugar. Others prefer more sugar in the mixture. :)
Unroll one can of crescent rolls. Separate dough into 4 rectangles, pinching together all seams very tightly.  Sprinkle cinnamon/sugar mixture evenly over the 4 rectangles. Starting with the short side, roll them up tightly, remembering to pinch the seams.  Slice each roll into about 5 pieces and place into an 8 or 9 inch ungreased pie plate. I like to sprinkle any extra cinnamon-sugar on top. Bake at 375 for 15-25 minutes. Allow to cool at least 5 minutes. If desired, top with icing (1/2 cup powdered sugar and 1 TBSP apple or orange juice ... or milk.)  And Voila! Mini Cinnamon rolls that are perfect for little fingers. :)

Another thought... I like to disguise vegetables into my food whenever possible. My friend, Sara, bought me a cookbook, "Deceptively Delicious", a while ago. It is packed with great recipes for disguising fruits and vegetables into your everyday meals. While I am lucky that my family will eat any fruit and MOST veggies, it still doesn't hurt to add an extra veggie or fruit to a recipe now and then! 
***My thought for this recipe is to spread some pumpkin puree to the crescent rolls before sprinkling the cinnamon sugar. You could even try apple, pear, blueberry or even carrot puree. Get creative!! :)


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